- Ayuntamiento de Sariñena , Plaza España, 1, 22200 Sariñena
- 974570900
- Aytosarinena@monegros.net - https://www.sarinena.es
The 33rd edition of the Industrial, Agricultural and Livestock Fair of Los Monegros, supports and enhances the economy of the Monegros region and the Aragonese Community in areas that can have a favourable impact on the quality of life in rural areas, evolution of the productive sectors and industrial transformation of the area.
This fair welcomes the agricultural, industrial, commercial, machinery and automotive sectors, making it easy for interested companies to participate as exhibitors, offering an appropriate framework and attractions that encourage the maximum public attendance to present and offer products that each company sells.
Within the livestock sector, there should be highlighted the exhibition of the local sheep herd, the national auctions of sheep of both Rasa Aragonesa and Xisqueta breed, national auction of cattle of the Pyrenean breed and exhibition of Frisian cattle. There is also the contest of Male Goats, the exhibition of Hen of Sobrarbe and Oscense Turkey and an excellent exhibition of equine livestock.
A part of the economy of the Region of Monegros and Sariñena is being channelled towards tourism, to promote the scenic, historical, monumental, cultural and gastronomic attractions and also to promote the businesses of Monegros globally.
Among the activities that are programmed, the technical seminars given by experts of recognized professionalism in the subjects linked to trade, new energies, the environment, etc, deserve special relevance.
In the programming of Femoga 2018, a series of technical activities (sectoral meetings), as well as informative activities (photography, machinery and automobile exhibitions) and leisure activities (tourist routes, gastronomic days, folkloric performances, cultural animation, are coordinated to offer professionals an attractive framework to visit or exhibit their products.
These goals are developed with a program that the Organizing Committee elaborated and carried out in the facilities of the fair area, between 21st and 23rd September 2018, introducing innovation and dissemination of new technologies, which is reflected in the incorporation of exhibiting companies of the fields of information technology, environmental protection, etc. in line with the events developed in the previous edition, trying to incorporate new features for the next fairs.
Technical data (total surface: indoors and outdoors, parking, facilities, access)
The total area extends over 74,600 square metres, of which 22,000 square metres of the covered pavilions, 20,600 square metres of open-air area and 32,000 square metres of service areas. The car park is divided into two zones, which are the parking for exhibitors and the parking for visitors on the side of the fair area.
The facilities are divided into four pavilions of the following use: pavilion A – commercial, pavilion B – cars, pavilion C – livestock and pavilion D – machinery area. There is a so-called convention area, where the stage is located and on the right side – a bar service.
Within the car pavilion there are two conference rooms, the Aragón Room and the Monegros Room and the venue is complete with services for exhibitors and visitors, different emergency exits and an information office, where all the queries that may arise are answered.
Fairs and events / calendar
- Industrial, Agricultural and Livestock Fair, 21st, 22nd and 23rd of September 2018
- Avenatur Fair + 13th Spanish Championship of Aviculture, Pigeon Breeding and Rabbit Breeding, 23rd,24th and 25th November, 2018
- Orbea Monegros, 27th and 28th April, 2018
- Canine Contest, 5th May, 2018